Dane Ryksen Dane Ryksen

The Carnegie Library

In the words of Todd Babiak, our old central library “is one of the icons of a lost Edmonton, a phantom Edmonton, a victim of the boom-and-bust psychology that has defined the city since its earliest days.”

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Dane Ryksen Dane Ryksen

The El Mirador Apartments

Our little slice of California, with its bright stucco and red tiles, was a curio to anyone who passed by and unique in a way most Edmonton buildings couldn’t dream of being. Now another glass high-rise will replace it.

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Dane Ryksen Dane Ryksen

Michener Park

2021 turned out to be a bad year for Edmonton’s built heritage. Gone with it was our “Shade of Expo ‘67.”

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Dane Ryksen Dane Ryksen

The Highlands Scenic Drive

Building a make-work road over the sandy hoodoos of Dawson Park sounded simple enough. Instead it resulted in Council in-fighting, five years of unending construction, and political suicide.

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Dane Ryksen Dane Ryksen

The Edmonton Indian Residential School

If you drive out to the site today, you’d be hard pressed to find the signs of cultural genocide. Where it happened doesn’t look special; it could be ‘Anywhere, Alberta.’ But long ago it was once home to the Edmonton Indian Residential School.

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Dane Ryksen Dane Ryksen

The A.G.T. Tower

To some it’s a Modernist masterpiece. To others a “12-storey middle finger to the legislature.” Whatever you think, you won’t have much longer to argue — this tower’s reached the end of the line.

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Dane Ryksen Dane Ryksen

The Ring Houses

In a penny wise, pound foolish move, the University of Alberta demolishes its last tangible link to the campus’ humble beginnings.

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